
How to manage your finances during financial hardships?


Managing your EMIs during financial hardships can be challenging, surrounded by pressure and stress from all angles, especially when you have a family to take care of. This article will cover exactly how to handle your EMIs during tough times. The first three crucial steps you can take during this period are:

a) Evaluate Your Finances: This is a vital activity to understand your spending. Create a proper budget to identify areas where you can save money, helping you discern between avoidable and unavoidable expenses.

b) Analyze Your Debts: When facing financial hardships, it's essential to assess your debts. Figure out which debts need immediate attention and which ones can be addressed later.

c) Communication With Creditors: After evaluating your finances, start saving some money each month and decide which debts to prioritize. It's time to communicate with your creditors and work towards settling your accounts.

We understand that implementing these steps in real life can be challenging, especially during financial hardships. This is where we come in to help you manage your finances correctly and guide you out of debt. At FREED, we are committed to making you debt-free as soon as possible. Read about the journeys of people who have become debt-free here by enrolling on our platform.

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