Kya aap apna debt nahi chuka paa rahe?
You are at the right place. With our help and your savings we will help you settle your debt.
The best thing... We don't charge a fee till you get the settlement.
Yeh hai asli Aazaadi
Resolve your Debts with
FREED’s Debt
Resolution Program
- Self save model
- Customized Plan
- Pay our fee only when you are debt-free
(This is NOT a LOAN; you pay off the Debt with the
money you save in your SPA*Account)

6 steps to a debt-free zindagi

YOUR DASHBOARD: You get a login to track your debt-relief journey

THIS IS WHERE WE CHARGE A FEE. It is 15% of your enrolled debt..

How to handle
collection calls
What are the rights
of the lenders
What are your
Respond to legal
notices and more
We are there to help, always!
Debt-Free by Jul 2027*
or sooner
Total Est. Savings
Debt Free In
Aapki Journey, Humara Saath

Aapke Sawaal, Humare Jawaab
*Please note that clients who are able to stay in the program and get their debts settled realize approximate savings of 50% before our fees and 35% including our fees. All claims are estimates and are based on the enrolled debts and the program tenure. Not all clients are able to complete their program for various reasons, including their ability to keep up with the program payments and save sufficient funds. Not all debts are eligible for enrollment in the Debt Resolution program. FREED doesn’t recommend enrollment in a Debt Resolution Program unless there is a genuine financial hardship experienced by a client leading to non-payment of dues.
There is no guarantee that your debts would be resolved within a specific period of time or they would be lowered by a specific amount or percentage. We do not assume your debts, make monthly payments to your creditors or provide tax, accounting or legal advice. Please read and understand all program details prior to enrollment. Enrolling in the Debt Resolution Program will have an adverse impact on your credit rating and may result in you being subjected to aggressive collection measures or even being sued by creditors. The accounts you enroll may continue to accrue fees and interest, however, negotiated settlements that we obtain on your behalf would resolve the entire account balance, including accrued fees and interest.